On June 2nd, the engine behind Lansing Office Works, Rural Ideas Network, launched several new benefits to be included with our memberships. In addition to the existing Startup and Business Management Coaching, we will now offer two new coaching options, as well as Bootcamps, Forums and Workshops. Below is a listing of all of the services that you had at sign up and that were recently added:
Startup Coaching
Business Management Coaching
One-on-one Succession Planning (new)
One-on-one Website Evaluations (new)
Website Design Bootcamps (new)
Peer Learning Roundtables
Peer Learning Forum (new)
Curated Workshops (new)
Monthly memberships start at just $49/month and these benefits are all available through members' personal portal on the Lansing Office Works website: www.lansingofficeworks.com From the home page, members can click on the LOGIN option in the main menu. Once you are logged in, you can scroll down the page and select the benefit you are interested in signing up for. Choose one or choose them all, they are all part of your membership and come to you at no additional charge.
To set up a membership, click on the SERVICES link at the top of this page.
Questions or interested in a quick overview? Feel free to reach out to Maryann Baldwin, 319-573-1955 or maryanwbaldwin@gmail.com