April 2024
By Maryann Baldwin, The Works Business Coach and SBDC Counselor

It's April - how are those 2024 goals going? What were you hoping to accomplish this year when it all got started? Well heck, we're over a quarter of the way through it, so how about taking some time to assess where we are?
Over here, we've made some good progress, and we're pretty excited about that. But we're taking some time in April to reassess where we are to see if there's any adjustments we need to make based on where we hope to end the year. What can we learn from the actions we've taken? Which habits and routines are yielding results, and which ones not so much? I hope you're feeling the same about where you are, but are also ready to open yourself up to tweaks and adjustments, too.
As promised, here are some links to some great FREE tools you can download if you are looking for some inspiration, guidance or a roadmap to boost your planning and progress:
First off, it's the Cadillac of planning tools - truly a total life evaluation tool, quite honestly. Check out Darren Hardy's book The Compound Effect, but if you're looking to dive right in, head for the download at the end of this article to grab your copy today: The Compound Effect Worksheets. Not only can you review and reset any goals you've set, but it will walk you through a series of steps including a habit tracker, gratitude logs, core values assessment, and so much more. Looking for a complete review of where you are and where you are going? This one is for you!
Next up, also the total package, check out Mel Robbins' Make It Happen workbook and training. It's all free and Mel will always get you fired up to be the very best version of you! https://www.melrobbins.com/makeithappen Mel always kicks off the year with her Best Year Yet training, so this year she's stepping it up with an April boost to stay on track with your 2024 plans. There are two video trainings that accompany the workbook.
Looking for something a bit more motivating, but without all the introspection? We love the Stop Thinking and Start Doing two-page guide from Julie Hage. It's a simple 5 step process with individual prompts to help you remember what you are hoping to accomplish and keep you on track. You could even use this on a weekly basis to help ensure that incremental progress that can add up to big things over time! You'll also find the download below.
Last but not least, why not invest a bit in your effort towards accomplishing your goals and consider coaching and accountability. A $49/month membership with The Works not only gives you access to our great space and community, but it also includes one-on-one small business coaching with a great team of coaches, as well as web design services to help take your online presence to the next level. Give me a call at 319-573-1955 to learn more, or go sign up at www.lansingofficeowrks.com/coworking. Memberships are month-to-month with no long-term commitment. We'd love to help you make all your 2024 goals happen and maybe even more!
Here's to your success!